ninjariffic tales

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Random randomness

I cant do this anymore.. no... can't keep this façade on much longer.
The truth is beginning to show.
There is so much wrong... but I really don't know where to start.

Stifled. I’m feeling stifled. Stifled by the stupidity that is my life.

Why do we have to paint a happy face on sorrow?
Why pretend that we can do it all?

Why DO we put up with hypocrisy?
Why do we need to keep on keeping on?

I don’t have an answer. May be I don’t WANT an answer even.
No repetition. No comebacks.
I want out.
I’ve had it, I’m tired.

I want my clean break.


  • The cry of many people's hearts...

    Guess we are designed to be vulnerable and honest. But past experiences and hurts causes us to clam up...

    And i guess it gets worse as we grow older unless we are willing to face up to ourselves...

    By Blogger Bungz, At Sunday, April 08, 2007 9:32:00 AM  

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