ninjariffic tales

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Ink your finger

This is the first time I won't vote (well, since I turned 18 at least) in the Indian Elections because as an NRI, I've lost my right to vote in India. I have voted in one general election and two assembly elections and all three times, the candidate I voted for lost. Voting is more than just an exercise of universal adult franchise. To me, it means that I, a member of the so-called educated population, am saying that I will try to be part of the system that is trying to find a representative who will do what is right by his constituency and country. This sounds a bit preachy I know and I am aware that in many ways the Indian political system is defunct and we have more than our fair share of corrupt politicians. But by more and more 'educated' people voting, I am sure we will attract better candidates and hopefully better leaders.

Many people don't realise if they aren't happy with the representatives in their constituency, they can register a 'no vote'. Section 49(0) allows a person to go to a polling booth, register his/her presence by signing and then not vote for any candidate. Such votes are recorded by the presiding officer and considered a rejection of all candidates in the fray. We Indians don't have an excuse for not voting. We even get a day off work to go vote! So come on people, what's stopping you. Go get inked!

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